Exciting things happened in June and July! My poetry appeared in Hebrew translation for the first time in Oh! literary magazine, Israel. Special thanks to editors Dory Manor and Sivan Beskin, and translator Meitar Kurman.
Oh! Literary magazine, Tel Aviv |
I was invited to take part in the Flash Fiction Festival in Bristol. I was involved in readings, led a successful creative writing workshop on "The Hidden Creative Territories of Photos and Postcards" and was part of the "Flash around the World" panel. Meanwhile, news came that my modern take on Robinson Crusoe was one of the winners of the flash competition celebrating the 300th anniversary of the classic and will be included in Shipwrecked, a limited edition anthology, published by Sampson Low Publishers. I also read at the open mic session of Lines on the Wall – a poetry and performance event in Manchester, where I met T.S.Eliot Prize winning poet Philip Gross, and (finally!) the acclaimed short story writer and poet Tania Hershman.
Flash Fiction Festival 2019 |
In July, I was invited to take part in Rewriting the Map - a festival dedicated to the literature, art and urban planning in divided cities of Europe - organised by Literarisches Colloquium, Berlin. A fantastic experience!
Rewriting the Map |
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