Saturday, February 12, 2011


... galore.
I will not dwell on it, but I do know that they were quick ones, some sent on the spur of the moment. I haven't been able to concentrate lately. Maybe I've been partying too much. Last night I met a Rabbit-Man who assured me that reading "Watership Down" would change my life.
Anyone read it?


  1. Boo! for rejections. They're rubbish.

    Watership Down - I have the book but haven't read it. I had a little look but it didn't particularly grab me. Film's good though...!


  2. I have read it, Nora, but I must have been missing some point or other as it certainly didn't change my life!!!

    And I think rejections sap everything from concentration to courage, it takes time to shrug them off xx

  3. I seriously LOVE your blog! :)

    I once got a rejection letter for a pirate anthology saying my piece was "too piratey"......

    Watership Down? You will adore it! It's right up there with Animal Farm. Brilliant!

    Keep writing....I look forward to following......

